Friday, January 25, 2013

Friday Surprise

Obama isn't king after all, which probably comes as a surprise to him, and quite frankly to those of us who watch him get away with one Constitutional offense after another. From ABC News:
This is a very big deal in constitutional law and contemporary politics. 
The U.S. Appeals Court for the District of Columbia handed down a major decision today, one that shifts the modern balance of power between the president and Congress—and hands a stinging political defeat to President Obama and his allies in Big Labor
The battleground: The National Labor Relations Board—the powerful independent agency that's overseen the contentious relations between Big Business and Big Labor in America since 1933. The NLRB has long been a partisan political battleground—Democratic presidents usually try to pack the board with union allies, Republican presidents usually make business-friendly appointments. 
The issue: Are President Obama's three appointments to the NLRB legal? Did he have the constitutional authority to make those appointments in the manner he did—or hid he exceed his power as president? 
The court's answer: Obama acted unconstitutionally.

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