Thursday, May 31, 2012

Abortion Vote

From the Associated Press:
WASHINGTON (AP) — Legislation coming up for a House vote would make it a federal crime to carry out an abortion based on the gender of the fetus. The measure takes aim at the aborting of female fetuses, a practice more common to countries such India and China, where there is a strong preference for sons, but which is also thought to take place in this country.

The mainly Republican supporters of the bill characterized the vote as a sex-discrimination issue at a time when Democrats are accusing Republicans of waging a war on women. Abortion rights advocates argued that the bill exploits the problem of selective abortion to further limit a woman's right to choose.

This vote really puts the left on tenterhooks. Their conundrum: Liberals have to preserve the myth that they are the authentic defenders of women, and yet this selective abortion procedure is aimed almost entirely at unborn baby girls. The Democrats' macabre obsession with keeping abortion legal is truly chilling. So figure this one out: It's the Republicans who are engaging in a "war on women" because they are trying to ensure that babies, mostly female, are not selectively aborted because of their gender!

Immoral and stupid. That's the abortion-crazed Democratic Party for you.

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