Saturday, August 15, 2009

Keeping Cap and Trade on the Radar

In recent conversations with friends regarding political happenings, we've often compared the tiresome task of keeping up with and fighting against the liberal legislative onslaught to attempting to plug up holes and seal off cracks in a weakening dam, with new fissures and cavities appearing every day. The cap and trade legislation has been eclipsed by the health care "reform" juggernaut but it cannot be forgotten. Writing for the American Spectator, Roger Abbott and Iain Murray remind us why:
Amid the public outrage surrounding health care reform, another issue of equal importance for the average American has been nearly forgotten: the upcoming Senate debate on the Waxman-Markey "cap and trade" bill. This bill attempts to "cap" -- that is cut -- U.S. emissions of greenhouse gases by forcing all energy producers to pay for expensive emissions permits, which can be traded on the basis of need and cost. The idea is that making fossil fuel-based energy less affordable create incentives for investment in low-carbon energy supplies, or energy-efficient equipment, that otherwise would be prohibitively expensive.

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