Monday, October 22, 2012

Back to the drawing board

From Reuters:
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Most U.S. Catholics think the church should focus more on social justice and helping the poor, even if it means focusing less on issues like abortion, according to a poll released Monday by the nonpartisan Public Religion Research Institute.
The 2012 American Values Survey finding on Catholics goes against the focus of many U.S. Catholic bishops, who have stressed the church's ban on abortion and artificial contraception in their public policy statements.
The poll found that 60 percent of Catholics want a greater focus on social justice issues rather than abortion, while 31 percent support the opposite approach.
Sad, but not at all surprising. Why doesn't being allowed to be born fall under the "social justice" umbrella? Where has the fundamental, parish-level catechesis been? Where is it now? The bishops had better take notice of the sorry state of their flock.

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