Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Last Word

Just when I think that everything that could be said has been said regarding the manufactured, pathetic Sandra Fluke controversy, I come upon another excellent expose of the sordid affair. This time, the incomparable Mark Steyn peels back the layers of the story and lays bare what the controversy is really all about, and it ain't pretty. Here's a snippet from the National Review piece, but it warrants a complete read.
...the most basic issue here is not religious morality, individual liberty, or fiscal responsibility. It’s that a society in which middle-aged children of privilege testify before the most powerful figures in the land to demand state-enforced funding for their sex lives at a time when their government owes more money than anyone has ever owed in the history of the planet is quite simply nuts. ...

In the absence of religious virtue, sexual virtue, and fiscal virtue, one might trust to the people’s sense of sheer preposterousness to reject the official narrative of the Fluke charade. Yet even that is not to be permitted. ... But let me say this. Almost every matter of the moment boils down to the same story: The Left’s urge to narrow the bounds of public discourse and insist that “conventional wisdom” unknown to the world the day before yesterday is now as unquestionable as the laws of physics. Nothing that Rush said is as weird or as degrading as what Sandra Fluke and the Obama administration are demanding. And any freeborn citizen should reserve the right to point that out as loudly and as often as possible.


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