Sunday, April 06, 2008

Un peu d'histoire

I paid a visit to the Old Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis today. It's a fine example of, I believe, a blend of French Baroque and Classicism. Here are some pictures and tidbits about the rich history of the church. I was told that the Cathedral Basilica carries a special indulgence, granted by the pope (perhaps John XXIII), that is equal to the indulgence given to pilgrims visiting the major basilicas of Rome. I'll make it my homework to get more details on that anecdote. I can only assume this resulted from the church's classification as a "basilica."
In 1826 St. Louis became a Diocese and the following year Bishop Joseph Rosati, C.M. became the first bishop of the Diocese of St. Louis. The cornerstone of the present Cathedral building was laid in 1831 and the dedication of the building took place in 1834. This was the first Cathedral west of the Mississippi and until 1845 it was the only parish church in the city of St. Louis. It is truly the "Mother Church" of the City of St. Louis.

On January 27, 1961, Pope John XXIII signed a Decree naming the former Cathedral of St. Louis, a Basilica, recognizing it as "a treasure of the universal church". It belongs in a real sense to the whole world and not just to our locality. The ornamental insignia of a basilica are the half open umbrella (canopeum), and the bell in the key shaped frame (tintinnabulum) which led papal processions. These insignia are displayed in the rear of the church.

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