Bolivia's President Evo Morales distinguished himself today as one of Latin America's most conspicuous lowbrow socialists. He attained this status by ripping into capitalism, claiming that it must be abandoned if the planet is to be spared from the ravaging effects of global warming.
"If we want to save our planet earth, to save life, to save mankind, we have a duty to put an end to the capitalist system."
Now, enemies of capitalism are a dime a dozen in Latin America, hence the ubiquitous turmoil, corruption and comical leaders that plague the region. But Morales' deed of associating the free market economy with the global warming hoax is most revealing. The Latin vulgarian's trite betrays the true inspiration behind the man-made global warming myth: contempt for the free market and a sickening infatuation with the kind of consolidation of power that is concomitant with socialism. The truth is, when applied correctly, capitalism and its wide-reaching consequences have elevated billions of people from the dregs of utter poverty. The good people of Latin America have an important decision to make: ditch the insane cadre of corrupt megalomaniacs presently running the show or face an embarrassing irrelevance on the world stage.
In my opinion there is nothing that reduces "real" pollution better than capitalism. Just compare any city in our nation to that of a third world, totalitarian, country.