Sunday, September 27, 2009

Vaclav to the Rescue!

Pope and President: Yesterday in Prague

Vaclav Klaus wrote an excellent op-ed that appeared back in May in The Guardian. Of all the world leaders, the President of the Czech Republic stands alone as the voice of reason and common sense on the issue of global warming. For our part, with the ascension of Barack Obama, the United States has joined the ranks of the nail-biters, hand-wringers and crazies who are hell-bent on enacting insane, anti-capitalist policies to "save the planet." So sad.
I am surprised so many people in Europe, the US and elsewhere have come to support policies underpinned by hysteria over global warming, particularly cap-and-trade legislation to cut greenhouse gas emissions and subsidies for "green" energy sources.

I am convinced this is a misguided strategy - not only because of the uncertainty about the dangers that global warming might pose, but also because of the certainty of the damage that policies aimed at mitigation will cause.

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