Sunday, March 09, 2008

McCain Rejects Anti-Catholic Remarks

Senator John McCain sought to put to rest any possibilities of a guilt-by-association backfire in reaction to comments made by anti-Catholic lowbrow, John Hagee. Hagee is a fairly prominent evangelical minister, among certain types of evangelicals I suppose, and a McCain supporter who routinely maunders on about the perceived malignancies of the Catholic Church. I was concerned that McCain wouldn't respond forcefully enough but I'm relatively pleased with what he had to say.
We've had a dignified campaign, and I repudiate any comments that are made, including Pastor Hagee's, if they are anti-Catholic or offensive to Catholics. I sent two of my children to Catholic school. I categorically reject and repudiate any statement that was made that was anti-Catholic, both in intent and nature. I categorically reject it, and I repudiate it. And we can't have that in this campaign. We're trying to unite the country. We're uniting the country, not dividing it...I am responding by saying that I am against discrimination and anti-Semitism, anti-Catholic, anything racial, and I have proved that on the campaign trail. -John McCain

Hey, I'm all for "uniting the country" but sometimes it's necessary to, as Mr. Buckley once put it, "excrete the kooks" from one's cause for the greater good. Mr. Hagee and his loathsome ilk come to mind.

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