Sunday, March 16, 2008

Meeting: Pope and Patriarch

Pope Benedict XVI met informally with the Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch, Bartholomew of Constantinople. I vividly remember attending a special service at Saint Peter's, when Pope John Paul II returned the relics of Saint John Chrysostom to Patriarch Bartholomew. Seeing both of them process down the center aisle of the nave was something I'll never forget: the black-robed Patriarch, staff in hand, (he seemed so exotic, so eastern) at the side of the Vicar of Christ. I remember thinking how, in many respects, the traditions and cultures of each were so different, but in the things that really mattered, there was far more in common. The mutual desire for unity between West and East, Rome and Constantinople, at that event was palpable. It was an emotional experience. We can only continue in our prayers. Here's an excerpt from the story, from Britain's Catholic Herald and a link.
...instead of participating in a liturgy, they walked into the tiny Chapel of Urban VIII near the papal library, stood in front of a painting of the Nativity and prayed silently. After a few moments, the two began reciting the Lord's Prayer in Latin. When the prayer was finished, the Pope turned to his guest - as if to see if he was ready to leave - and the patriarch began reciting the Hail Mary in Latin. The Pope joined in. When the prayer was finished, the two turned to their aides and together blessed them.

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