Friday, March 14, 2008

Hardly a Message of Hope and Unity

Barack Obama sought desperately this afternoon to distance himself from the obscenely maniacal ravings of his racist pastor, Jeremiah Wright. A frantic Obama scribbled off a rather tedious screed on The Huffington Post, a favorite left-leaning website, strongly denouncing Wright's past assertions that America received its just deserts on 9-11. A Chicago-based "pastor," Wright is a notorious race-baiter who routinely spews forth from his mouth a noxious combination of 1960's styled, black-power rhetoric tinged with the poisonous venom of liberation theology. If his shrill diatribes (barely comprehensible as they are, given his loose grasp of the English language) weren't so offensive, they would be risible to behold. His sermons, and I cringe to assign them the appellation of "sermon," are heavily laced with profanities and preposterous accusations. The United States, President Bush in particular, white people in general and of course, "rich white people" rank among his targets of choice. Strip away the pulpit and ridiculous robe, and Wright is a Marxist, pure and simple, although even Marx probably would have blushed at the sight of such a conspicuous churl as Wright parroting his talking points. Those who think they can stomach it can watch clips of his performances on Youtube. Here's an excerpt from one of Wright's sermons. Take a deep breath.
Who cares about what a poor black man has to face every day in a country and a culture controlled by rich white people? Somebody missed that. You got nervous because we got some white members here. I am still in Bible country. I am still in the text. Jesus was a poor black man who lived in a country and who lived in a culture, that was controlled by rich white people! The Romans were rich. The Romans were Italians -- which means they were European, which means they were white -- and the Romans ran everything in Jesus' country. It just came to me with -- with -- within the past few weeks, y'all, why so many folk are hatin' on Barack Obama. He doesn't fit the model! He ain't white, he ain't rich, and he ain't privileged. (cheers) Hillary fits the mold. Europeans fit the mold! Giuliani fits the mold. Rich white men fit the mold. Hillary never had a cab whiz past her and not pick her up, because her skin was the wrong color. (applause) Hillary never had to worry about being pulled over in her car as a black man driving in the wrong lane! I am sick of Negroes who just do not get it! Hillary was not a black boy raised in a single parent home; Barack was. Barack knows what it means to be a black man living in a country and a culture that is controlled by rich white people! Hillary can never know that! Hillary ain't never been called a n-----. Hillary has never had her people defined as nonpersons. Hillary ain't had to work twice as hard just to get accepted by the rich white folk who run everything, or to get a passing grade when you know you are smarter than their C-students sitting in the White House. Ooooh, I am so glad that I got a God who knows what it is to be a poor black man in a country and a culture that is controlled by and run by rich white people! He taught me, Jesus did, how to love my enemies. Jesus taught me how to love the hell out of my enemies, and not be reduced to their level of hatred, bigotry, and small-mindedness. Hillary ain't never had her own people say she wasn't white enough! Jesus had his own people siding with the enemy! That's why I love Jesus, y'all. He never let their hatred dampen his hope. There is a name I love to hear, I love to sing. It's worth --

Much has been made of late about the "guilt-by-association" effect this deranged pastor is having on Senator Obama. But that is where the inquiry in the mainstream media stops. The controversy must be probed further. For instance, no one in the media is asking why Obama has remained a member of this church for twenty years. Further, why has Obama donated substantial sums of money to this notorious pastor's house of worship? A financial contribution implies, at the very least, tacit consent with an organization's message. We have to believe that these racist, hateful sermons were the standard order of the day at this church for many years, so why did Obama remain silent for so long in the face of such abject intolerance emanating from the pulpit, and further, why did he subject his wife and children to Wright's verbal poison? In fact, Wright officiated at Barack and Michelle's wedding and baptized their two girls. Obama has admitted that Wright is, or at least was, his spiritual advisor. Understanding the place of honor that men of faith usually accord their spiritual advisors, are we not to draw certain conclusions then about Obama's personal views and the extent to which they line up alongside Wright's? It was Wright who was slated to recite a prayer before the gathered masses in Illinois on the day Obama announced his run for the White House. Only as the final plans were being reviewed did Obama, perhaps displaying some clairvoyance, replace Wright with someone less offensive. Further, Obama pulled the title of his book, The Audacity of Hope, from one of Wright's sermons. Theories abound. One holds that Obama, divided deeply by his biracial background, clung to the black church as a way to bolster his "black street creds" and mitigate the undying echo of his "whiteness." Who knows. But it wouldn't be unfair to suggest that Obama remained a member of this sordid church (again, for twenty years) because he found an affinity for at least some of Wright's twisted message, remember the financial contributions. I suspect that more will bubble up with regard to the Wright issue and I think Obama may pay a high price for his ties to this questionable church and its racist pastor. He will not be able to wriggle out of this pickle with his characteristic equivocation-with-a-smile. I doubt even Oprah will be able to extricate Obama from this difficulty.

Here are some links. I couldn't bear to post the actual video, there are standards here after all, but so that you don't have to take my word for it, you should take a listen to some of Wright's vulgar rants to get a sense of the tormented man. He should be pitied.

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