Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Planet Cools, Al Gore Melts

Here's a link to a fascinating study that demonstrates how just one year of colder-than-normal weather around the planet in 2007 has wiped out any of the derivative effects of the one-degree increase in temperature that has taken place over the course of the last century! This is the same, supposedly irreversible one-degree increase that led perpetuators of the man-made global warming myth (and it is a myth, tinged with religious underpinnings) to warn of imminent climatic devastation. The solution, they pontificated: change your light-bulbs, drive hybrids, unplug your cell phone charger, cut-down on sheets of toilet paper, etc. This study offers global-warming disciples another opportunity to reconsider. I'm not holding my breath for takers though. Nor can it be asserted that these findings represent the isolated conclusion of a lone scientist or the uninformed, politically motivated spiel emanating from a nutty right-winger. "All four major global temperature tracking outlets (Hadley, NASA's GISS, UAH, RSS) have released updated data. All show that over the past year, global temperatures have dropped precipitously." Polar bears, together with Leonardo Dicaprio and Laurie David, can breath a sigh of relief, the ice-caps are safe and Manhattan is, presumably, free from the threat of total submergence into the Atlantic.

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