Looks like Oprah's touch might not be that golden after all. A recent poll says the talk show host's highly publicized appearances with the Senator could harm him more than help.
And here's a thought provoking excerpt from an article on the "political messianism" associated with the Obama campaign, highlighted by Winfrey's endorsement. Rich Lowry discusses the religious undertones of Obama's run for the presidency. Here are a few lines from the piece.
This was the pontiff of daytime television bestowing secular sainthood on the golden child of latter-day liberalism.
In her stump speeches on Obama’s behalf, Oprah zeroed in on the heart of the matter: Obama’s post-political messianism. In South Carolina, she declared that it isn’t enough for candidates to tell the truth, “We need politicians who know how to be the truth.” One wonders if in the news reports, it were merely a transcription error that “the truth” wasn’t rendered in divinized capital letters.
Michelle Obama spoke in the same terms: “We need a leader who’s going to touch our souls. Who’s going to make us feel differently about one another. Who’s going to remind us that we are one another’s keepers. That we are only as strong as the weakest among us.”
This isn’t merely overpromising. It’s a creepy inflation of a political figure into a secular version of the Second Coming. Oprah implied the same thing, quoting a film in which an old, long-suffering woman asks every child she meets — in a question fraught with messianic symbolism — “Are you the one?” Oprah continued, referring to Obama, “It’s a question the entire nation is asking — is he the one? South Carolina — I do believe he’s the one.”
Lowry's mention of "Obama’s post-political messianism" is particularly intriguing. I've read before that Obama represents the first viable "post-9-11 candidate" in American politics. His vision and hopes for American society and culture are totally foreign to the vision laid out by the nation's founders. I firmly believe that Obama has even more radical leftist strains to him than what he's revealing now. He's a hardened liberal, not a savior.
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