Saturday, December 15, 2007

The High Price We Pay for Ignorance

Here are scenes from the Save the Climate conference in Bali. This is so embarrassing. For the life of me, I can't believe the US even sent a representative to this thing. It's a complete circus. The folks in these pictures, mostly poor and uneducated or elite socialists, have been completely snookered into this craze. They have no clue. Besides,even if is were true that humans could alter the climate, a premise that I'm not willing to accept, it's capitalism not socialism that will save it. It is disgusting how prime movers in this movement like Al Gore have scared good people into believing this utter hoax.

Remember: It's all about economics and sabotaging the United States economy. Nothing more. All this kibitz about the climate is a red herring. And as a bonus, by tricking themselves into believing they're saving the planet, liberal elites are awarded with the self-righteous feeling that they are doing something that matters.

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