Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Thoughts on Romney

In brief, here are a few things that Mitt Romney has done in the recent past that have served to assuage earlier doubts.

- In the last debate, in response to a "Gocha!" question posed by an African American asking how, if elected, he would fight the "wars in the streets" back at home, Romney identified the importance of FATHERS and MOTHERS in raising children. BRAVO! Petrified by blanket charges of racism, many politicos seem to be afraid to discuss the alarming breakdown of the family in the black community. Instead they'll pander and prattle on endlessly about the need to invest more federal money into after school programs, etc.

- He identified religion as an essential element of American culture. In what is being referred to simply as "The Speech," Romney set aside the minutia of policy details to take up a more all-encompassing theme, transcendent in nature, reaching back to our very founding. Much to the fury of the left, he relied heavily on a series of quotes from the Founders that supported his thesis, whereby to attack Romney would have necessitated an attack on Washington, Jefferson and Adams. What a pickle for the foes of religion and freedom! The quote most intriguing and scandalous was, "Freedom requires religion." It's not a coincidence that the most bloodshed in history took place in the last century on the watch of militantly atheistic regimes in the Soviet Union and China/Asia.

- He doesn't equivocate when explaining that he was simply wrong when he was pro-choice. He's a changed man on the subject and we should believe him.

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