Sunday, October 14, 2007

The Death of Prestige

Whatever respect I once professed for the merits of the Nobel Peace Prize (after all, Mother Teresa was a wise and obvious choice back in the day) has all but vanished, much like those icebergs on the polar caps. And it's not simply because I am a conservative leaning lad and they awarded the prestigious prize to Al Gore, an apostle of liberalism. If Gore had accomplished something that truly contributed to the well being of mankind by some astonishing breakthrough I would understand the decision of the committee. The most disturbing thing about the whole process is that those who dispense with the award have become nothing more than a left-wing front group for the promotion of liberal causes. The UN might as well award it. The man-made global warming nonsense is an absolute hoax, perhaps one of the most widely accepted hoaxes in recent memory. Dr. William Gray, a highly regarded climatologist, recently lambasted the theories behind Gore's crusade as utterly groundless. The article linked here is a good one to keep handy.

Dr Gray, whose annual forecasts of the number of tropical storms and hurricanes are widely publicised, said a natural cycle of ocean water temperatures - related to the amount of salt in ocean water - was responsible for the global warming that he acknowledges has taken place.
"We're brainwashing our children...They're going to the Gore movie [An Inconvenient Truth] and being fed all this. It's ridiculous." Prof. Gray

The global warming hysteria is not motivated by a desire to better living conditions, that is merely a red-herring. In fact, many of the policies advocated by the fanatics, such as unreasonable energy saving schemes and DDT restriction work to the detriment of humanity. DDT was widely used to kill malaria-infected mosquitoes in third-world countries. But after feverish lobbying by environmental fanatics, who claimed that DDT was damaging the environment, DDT has been restricted and hundreds of thousands have died from malaria. No, this is all about the government amassing power and exercising more control over our lives. And I've written in the past that the pseudo-religious undertones of the movement cannot be ignored. It's religion for the godless. That's not to say that everyone subscribing to the man-made global warming craze is godless. Many have had the wool pulled over their eyes in the absence of a better organized and less vocal opposition movement. Of course, the mainstream media has already taken sides, aligning themselves firmly with the environmentalist fanatics. Those like Dr. Gray are swimming against the current.

Here's a piece on the DDT/malaria connection:

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