Monday, October 29, 2007

Atheist Chic

The past year or so has witnessed a wave of attacks on traditional religious belief. Christopher Hitchens, among others, published a high-profile, haughty book with the less-than-subtle title, God is not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything. Hitchens is renown for his insidious anti-Catholicism and his particularly vicious attacks on, of all people, Mother Teresa of Calcutta. As the title of his book suggests, Hitchens sets out to prove religion as a force for evil in the world. Theodore Dalrymple has a nice piece here entitled, What the New Atheists Don't See. It's more of an essay than an op-ed piece but it's worth a read.


  1. Have you heard about / seen the D'Souza-Hitchens debate? If you can watch it (youtube maybe, C-SPAN aired it at least once) or get a transcript do it because it was good. Here's a link to a D'Souza article about it:

  2. No, that's news to me. I did hear about the Sharpton-Hitchens debate though. Imagine, Al Sharpton debating...Thanks for the link Jason.
