Friday, September 14, 2007

Giuliani Shows Us the Real Mrs. Clinton

I'm not in the Giuliani camp but I have to applaud his standing up to Hillary Clinton and the fringe left's unconscionable attack on General Petraeus. Giuliani purchased a full-page ad in the New York Times today and it packs a punch. You'll need to click on the image to see it clearly.


  1. Rudy nailed her. did you guys see how hilary responded? 2008 is going to be a dirty, dirty election, mark my words.

  2. You're right on about that. The GOP should be ready to take off the gloves in '08. It will be unlike any other election in terms of attacks, counterattacks, etc.

    The Dems are accustomed to playing dirty and are totally devoid of principle. Unable to compete in rational debate, they set out to destroy the reputation and character of anyone who stands in their way. We have to eschew the naive idea that we can compromise with Democrats. This is one of my gripes with Bush. For so long, we had the White House AND Congress but in large part, the GOP leadership squandered it and got soft. They allowed themselves to be defined by the Dems and to be put on the defense. After all, when Democrats talk about compromise, they mean everybody else adopting their policies. They must be totally defeated.

  3. case in point did you hear about the 'general betray us' ad that printed?
