You can often find some intriguing stories about the Church in the secular press. Of course, the stories are usually dripping with the snooty skepticism of religion that is common among the surly doyens of the media. Take this Associated Press story for instance, about a possible Eucharistic miracle in Poland. It's a fascinating story, but you'll have to put up with the maddeningly Protestant/Anglican AP patois, like 'communion wafer'. Ugh! At least the story (eventually) correctly explains what Catholics actually believe regarding the Eucharist.
WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Roman Catholics in Poland gathered Sunday for a special Mass celebrating what they see as a miracle: the appearance on a communion wafer of a dark spot that they are convinced is part of the heart of Jesus.
The communion wafer in question developed a brown spot in 2008 after falling on the floor during a Mass in the eastern Polish town of Sokolka. Two medical doctors determined that the spot was heart muscle tissue, church officials have said.
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