Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Logic of Big Brother

Thomas Sowell has a great piece appearing in National Review Online:
It is not just a question of what the government will pay for. The logic of collectivist thinking — and the actual practice in some countries with government-controlled health care — is that you cannot pay for any medical treatments with your own money if the powers that be decide that “society” cannot let its resources be used that way, or that it would not be “social justice” for some people to have medical treatments that others cannot get, just because some people “happen to have money.”

Whether intentionally or not, the left glosses over the most important point in the current debate about health care. When it comes down to it, it's really not about health care. If Obama, Pelosi, et al. were seriously interested in reforming our system, they would apply proven remedies that actually work, i.e., increasing competition (in the real sense of the word), and capping outrageous malpractice lawsuits, to mention only a couple of the more obvious. Those in power are using the mantra of "health care," just like they use other pet projects (man-made global warming, etc.), as a rhetorical testudo to hide their real objective: total control over every aspect of the lives of the citizens. Day by day, more Americans are perceiving this.

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