Friday, April 23, 2010

Trial and Error

Investor's Business Daily offers some salient observations regarding the charges brought against three Navy SEALs accused of mistreating a captured enemy combatant:
All three SEALs could have accepted only a military reprimand, but risked a court-martial to clear their names and save their careers. They refused to be human sacrifices to the same political correctness that seeks a civilian trial with all the trimmings for 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Muhammed in New York City not far from ground zero.

Administration defenders say that for President Obama to intervene as commander in chief would amount to exercising "undue command influence," a traditional no-no in military justice. Yet as commander in chief, he sent them on a dangerous mission to apprehend a terrorist murderer of American citizens. They risked their lives on his orders. Who has their back, Mr. President?

They performed their mission brilliantly and bravely, and for doing so found themselves facing charges based on the word of a terrorist taught to lie. It's doubtful that President Reagan would have let this travesty of justice continue.

This, however, is a politically correct administration that wants to close the detainee facility in Guantanamo Bay lest it tarnish our image among Islamofascists worldwide. We apologize to everybody and anybody. We won't tolerate another Abu Ghraib, so we tolerate this tragedy.

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