Sunday, November 08, 2009


More thoughts on this soon, but the question of whether or not Fort Hood shooter, Army Major Nidal Hasan, is a "terrorist", should be a no-brainer. Senator Joe Lieberman suggests as much today in the Wall Street Journal. Haven't any of the wise cognoscenti delved into Hasan's recent history? It's out there for everyone to see. Only in mad, politically correct Obama-world would this ridiculous question even be open for serious debate. Unfortunately, that's the world in which we live.
Mr. Lieberman said that if news reports were true that Mr. Hasan had turned to Islamic extremism, "the murder of these 13 people was a terrorist act and, in fact, it was the most-destructive terrorist act to be committed on American soil since 9/11."

"We don't know enough to say now, but there are very, very strong warning signs here that Dr. Hasan had become an Islamist extremist and, therefore, that this was a terrorist act," Mr. Lieberman added.

The lawmaker said he would begin a Senate investigation aimed at uncovering Mr. Hasan's motives and asking "whether the Army missed warning signs." He also called on the Pentagon to begin an independent investigation to determine whether "warning signs were missed."


I just came across this story from the Associated Press
WASHINGTON – The alleged Fort Hood shooter apparently attended the same Virginia mosque as two Sept. 11 hijackers in 2001, at a time when a radical imam preached there.

Whether the Fort Hood shooter associated with the hijackers is something the FBI will probably look into, according to a law enforcement official who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing.

Need more evidence?

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