Monday, January 26, 2009

Will Obama Take Down the "Ghetto Culture?"

I've thought, here and there, that one of the few, oh so very few, positive derivatives that just might emerge from the election of Barack Obama is that the "ghetto culture" could possibly be mitigated somewhat by the high profile of the eloquent, dapper president and his haute couture-inclined wife. Deroy Murdock contemplates the same question in his latest piece, President Obama May Reverse Damage of Ghetto Culture.

Recognizing that Murdock may have a good point or two (while certainly not everything, image is something) I think he overlooks the more salient questions, like the ruin and devastation that liberal policies have visited upon the black community.

- the virus-like spread of the welfare/nanny state and the near-total extraction of the father figure within the black community

- liberals having successfully planted the seed of discontent and entitlement among many blacks by manipulating concerns of racism and by fanning of the flames of victimhood

- liberal policies have smothered the value and dignity of work and self-reliance by shamelessly boxing single mothers into total dependency on government aid for child care (Jonah Goldberg touches on this point in his book, Liberal Fascism.)

Unfortunately and somewhat ironically, as an unabashed liberal Democrat, Obama's left-wing positions and policies are a part of the problem. While some of his speeches have offered platitudinous lip service to the concerns mentioned here, he has never ventured out of his ideological prism in an attempt to apply conservative elixirs to the malaise afflicting the black community.

For change we can believe in, it takes more than a GQ wardrobe and silver tongue to fix this ubiquitous problem.

Read the story here.

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