Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Catholic Hospitals and FOCA

From CBS News:
The push by Catholic leaders around FOCA and abortion issues comes as abortion rights opponents have grown worried that they will lose ground under a Democratic Congress and president. Some Catholic leaders were harshly critical of Mr. Obama even before he was elected, dubbing him "the abortion president" and warning that he is committed to pushing an abortion rights agenda.

"The pro-abortion agenda is strong, and it has momentum now because of the pro-choice majority in Congress and also the pro-choice president," said McQuade of the U.S. Conference on Catholic Bishops. "There's a lot of momentum now seeking to roll back incremental gains that have been made over the last 36 years."

Read the story here.

The story relates that Obama won the Catholic vote by nine points. I thought it was less than that, something like four points. How sad. What does this statistic say about Catholic catechesis in the schools and about our leadership? By the way, was there any statement at all from a bishop in this country condemning Nancy Pelosi's suggestion last Sunday to introduce a massive wave of contraceptives into the nation via the stimulus package? The plan was dropped for now but it is sure to resurface down the road. Is anyone listening?

Women's "rights" groups, predictably, are already expressing dismay that the birth-control provision was jettisoned by democrats. A day that sees groups like Planned Parenthood, NARAL and NOW express their consternation is a happy day, a small victory for the friends of babies.

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