Thursday, November 13, 2008

Prop 8 Opponents Attack Elderly Woman

This video pretty much sums it up, revealing the nation's most conspicuous advocates of "tolerance" to be nothing more than totalitarian, anti-Christian goons. 69-year-old Phyllis Burgess appeared at an anti-prop 8 rally in Palm Springs holding up a large cross, only to be immediately set upon by a hyper-aggressive band of splenetic libertines. Burgess was immediately accosted by the tightly wound group and, in an act chock-full of symbolism, the cross was ripped from her hands and stomped into the ground. A reporter present attempted to get Burgess' side of the story but the interview had to be aborted as a result of the heated shouting.

So revealing, this vignette is. Again, where's the tolerance on the other side? One wonders what these dyspeptic miscreants would have done to the poor woman were there no cameras present to document the events. Then again, Burgess is obviously a tough old lady. I'm sure she could have handled herself just fine against this foppish group.

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