Saturday, November 08, 2008

The Left's Simulacrum

Obama fancies himself as the liberal counterpoise to the conservative Ronald Reagan. It is hoped that "Obama Republicans" will emerge as a reliable voting block for the left in the wake of the '08 election just as "Reagan Democrats" carried the Gipper to victory in the elections of 1980 and '84. True, Obama's victory was not as ringing and thorough as was Reagan's, to be sure, but conservatives cannot afford to be passive to Obama's political machinations and designs for our nation. Put simply, Obama seeks piecemeal motions with the end goal of a permanent realignment of our nation's policies to fit the agenda of the far left. His November 4 inroads forged in the sanctum of the Republican south demonstrate the potency of his threat and the perils of his appeal. His weapon lies in his remarkable deftness at inoculating the American people from the foul stench of his leftist radicalism. Masquerading as a unifier and a post-partisan, all the while hypnotizing half the nation with his soaring rhetorical wizardry, Obama hopes to advance his agenda under the auspice of "change." The remarkable thing is the spectacle of half the nation seeing right through it while the other half falling completely for it.

As president conservatives wish him and his family health and safety. That said, the great conservative hope is that the mighty rigors of the Oval Office will draw back the curtain, expose Obama for the callow vulgarian he is and render him defenseless to the swift boot of the American people on Nov. 4, 2012.

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