Friday, September 12, 2008

The Whole Story

The Obama campaign has taken to mocking Senator McCain for not being very deft with computers and email. Obama spokesman Dan Pfeiffer said the following:
Our economy wouldn't survive without the Internet, and cyber-security continues to represent one our most serious national security threats, It's extraordinary that someone who wants to be our president and our commander in chief doesn't know how to send an e-mail.

But a story from a Boston Globe article back 2000 fills in some important gaps:
McCain gets emotional at the mention of military families needing food stamps or veterans lacking health care. The outrage comes from inside: McCain's severe war injuries prevent him from combing his hair, typing on a keyboard, or tying his shoes. Friends marvel at McCain's encyclopedic knowledge of sports. He's an avid fan - Ted Williams is his hero - but he can't raise his arm above his shoulder to throw a baseball.

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