Friday, September 12, 2008

First Lady Blasts Abortion

Rosario Murillo, the First Lady of Nicaragua, ripped liberal feminism and defended the policy of her husband's government that outlaws abortion in Nicaragua. Here are some excerpts:
"Their [liberal feminists] values represent the Old Society, exclusive, unjust, and impoverishing... where men and women...prefer to raise pets instead of children, and depopulate and disharmonize the Earth. This is junk 'feminism'... And furthermore, as I already said, it is in the hands of women who neither live as women, nor know the feminine soul, individual or collective. They ignore our daily battles; they are not the flesh and bone of a woman. They have no family ties or stable affections; they disdain those blessed ties of unconditional affection, indispensible for healthy human development...Favorites of 'elegant' perfumed democracy, they are able to mix politics and sexism, like totalitarian and exclusive judges, who only recognize their own models, their particular lifestyle options, their emotional criteria, and their political tendencies. They don't admit that women opt for routes that are constructive for women, with an inclusive conscience, a maternal instinct, and a sense of family, of a couple, and of human brotherhood. They do not accept that men and women believe in a different future, and that we work together, creating the indispensable difference between today and tomorrow.

Despite the Ortega's checkered past, we give credit where it is due.

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