Thursday, January 17, 2008

Politics and Pragmatism vs. Purity

Here's a timely piece by Victor Davis Hanson about the legacy of Ronald Reagan. In short, his point is that Republicans vying to wrap themselves in the robe of conservatism by invoking Reagan are ignoring the fact that Reagan was far from "perfect" when it came to strict adherence conservative orthodoxy. The smoke and incense that perpetually hangs in the air when Republicans enter the inner sanctum of "Reaganism" fogs the hard reality that Reagan, while both a great president and man, was more of a pragmatist and a politician than a purist. And that's ok, he was human. He picked and chose his battles. Sometimes he was right and sometimes, in retrospect, he was wrong. In other words, get over it GOP. Now, that's not to say we shouldn't follow Reagan as a conservative leader. For that he truly was. But let's be honest about him. To do otherwise would be a disservice to his true legacy. Republican candidates today should be more secure with themselves. Their own history and the values to which they are beholden, as reflected in their voting records, etc., should be sufficient evidence of their conservatism, without trying to out Reagan the great Ronald Reagan with cheap rhetorical platitudes and debate histrionics.

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