I've touched on this story before. It looks like it's making headlines once again. From the AFP:
One of Paris's top theatres was bracing Thursday for a showdown with Catholic extremists vowing to disrupt the opening of "Golgota Picnic", a virulent on-stage attack on consumerism and religion.
French fundamentalist Catholics have been waging a sometimes violent campaign of protests in recent months against works they perceive as blasphemous, picketing plays and pelting theatre-goers with eggs.
"Golgota Picnic" by Argentinian director Rodrigo Garcia, is moving to the Theatre du Rond Point on the Champs Elysees after a run in the southwestern city of Toulouse, where it drew protests and charges of "Christianophobia". ...
This time, however, mainstream Christians have also voiced offence at a play that is peppered with provocative references to Christianity, before a musical epilogue performed by a naked pianist.
"Golgota Picnic" is a virulent critique of consumer culture as well as religion, at one point showing actors making hamburgers out of meat and live worms, while buns litter the stage in an allusion to the bread of Christ.
Two "crucifixion" scenes shows an actor being nailed to the floor through his clothes, while in another the actor lies splayed in a cross on the ground, while his face is covered with ground meat.
A long monologue describes Christ as a "bloody devil", and the apostles as "12 losers among the millions who listened to Christ".
The Archbishop of Paris Cardinal Andre Vingt-Trois is urging Catholic faithful to join in prayer Thursday night in protest at a play that "insults the figure of Christ".
I wouldn't use adjectives like 'extremist' 'fundamentalist' or 'violent' to describe what's going on in France. I guess if you're a committed Catholic with a little fire in the belly, and someone who will not stand idly by while your God is insulted and blasphemed by a ragtag band of aging, pathetic bohemian nihilists, you're automatically consigned to the 'hateful' and 'violent' 'extremist' category. Throwing eggs may be a bit messy and over the line, but it's not an act of violence. Reading this loaded article, you'd think the Catholics in France were doing the same things the radical Muslims are doing all over the world.
What about a story discussing the fundamentalist, violent and extreme atheism and 'Christianophobia' currently sweeping the continent?
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