From Reuters:
ERFURT, Germany (Reuters) - Indifference, irritation and, inevitably, protest will likely mark a papal trip to the former East Germany that includes an historic meeting in the one-time home of Martin Luther to find ways Catholics and Protestants can work together to save Germany's soul. ...
But unlike in the Rhineland and his native Bavaria, where Catholic majorities ensured him a warm homecoming on his two previous visits to Germany as pope, the 84-year-old Joseph Ratzinger will encounter deep suspicion in eastern Germany, an area traditionally Protestant but now mostly atheist after four decades of Communism.
Much of what is written in this article is true, i.e., the high degree of atheism in Germany, the indifference of many to the Holy Father's visit there, etc., but the tone is dripping with contempt and suspicion of the Pope. I cannot imagine a similar article appearing about a prominent Muslim or Jewish leader.
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