Thursday, February 09, 2012

What Obama's Up To

This is a chilling, yet wholly accurate summation of where Obama wants to take this nation with his pernicious HHS mandate. From Janet Daley, writing for the Telegraph:
Obama moves closer to post-religious Europe is also a departure from the traditional American view (enshrined in the Constitution) that the government shall not interfere in the people's right to religious assembly and practice. What the Obama White House has effectively decided is that religion can not be allowed to interfere with the secular values which government has decreed - such as the right to equality in contraception services. Religion itself is being firmly put in its box. If the state decides that contraception must be available to all, then no church or theological text will be allowed to stand in the way. Once again, the US is following where Europe leads: to a future in which all values will be determined and enforced by the state.

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