Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Savor, Trucks and All

So, Scott Brown won the election that, a few weeks ago, no one believed he could win. Incredible. The significance of a GOPer winning in a state where Democrats outnumber Republicans by a 3 to 1 margin cannot be understated. Brown's victory represents an unmistakable repudiation of the sickening arrogance and condescension of Obama-Reid-Pelosi. The Democrats have two options: face reality, i.e., that their agenda is light years away from the priorities of most Americans and make a course correction, or they can (and probably will) dig in their heels, cover their eyes and ears and continue off the cliff. If a tectonic shift of this magnitude can happen in Massachusetts, imagine what will happen in Nevada and Nebraska come '10.

A year ago, as Obama placed his hand on Lincoln's inaugural Bible, funeral dirges for the Republican Party were gleefully sung by the doyens of the Left. "The era of Reagan is over!" So we were told by the likes of Sen. Schumer. The Republican Party was, we were warned, at risk of becoming an irrelevant, regional Party of angry Southerners, forever shut out of power by the changing reality of a more enlightened, tolerant and diverse electorate. But look at what happened tonight, and look at where it happened. Brown's homespun, truck-fueled candidacy veered off script with his surge in the polls, ending with a resounding victory tonight, utterly confounding the left's carefully constructed template for the Republican Party. His simplicity and down-to-earth style bulldozed the imperial pretensions and snobbery of the left.

Best of all: Obama himself couldn't rescue the Democratic candidate, nor could a visit from ole' Bill Clinton, not even mythic incantations offered to conjure up some of the once-reliable Kennedy mystique could do the trick. It all fell on deaf ears. Obama's flighty rhetoric about hope and change, the saccharine drivel that used to effortlessly ensorcell and distract, flopped miserably in the face of sobering political and economic realities: out of control spending, unemployment, deficit and, of course, terrorism. (Is it not true that just about everyone Obama has endorsed since becoming President has lost? King Midas he most certainly is not.) Add a dash of entitlement and arrogance, and one can see just why what happened tonight happened.

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