Wednesday, February 11, 2009

False Notions of Culture

While on her soap box for her Vogue interview, this is what Michelle O. said about regaling at the White House as First Lady:

"We want entertaining in the White House to feel like America, that we are reminded of all the many facets of our culture. The Latino community, the Asian-American community, the African-American community... hip-hop, spoken word - we want to bring the youth in, for them to hear their voices in this."

Typical liberal group-think on display. Well then in that case, what about those Americans with Italian, German, Polish, French, Irish, Spanish, Greek, etc., heritage, who also proudly consider themselves American? In other words, non-minority Americans? Don't they get an East Room seat at the Obama dinner parties? I'm simply demonstrating the absurdity of the left's obsessive and divisive focus on race and "representation" to the exclusion of non-minorities. Conservatives would rather talk about genuine culture and the fruits thereof, i.e., things like literature, language, music (hip-hop, ghetto-thug rap and other oral atrocities not qualifying, except when discussing why they are offenses to beauty and order), religion, philosophy, etc. I venture to suggest that Michelle O., like most liberals, has no clue what real culture is but, rather narrowly, envisions it to be coterminous with and limited to race alone. This is how liberals have redefined culture, as merely something having to do with skin color.

And banal "Hip-hop" echoing through the halls of the White House? What would Adams, Jefferson, Lincoln, Reagan and company say about this? We need not pose the question, for we know the answer. For the duration of the Obama Administration, why don't we just rename the White House the Central Administrative Office for ACORN and the Rainbow Coalition (CAOARC)?

Heaven help us, as 2012 can't arrive quickly enough.

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