Thursday, August 28, 2008

Liberal Retread...Anything But Change

Fireworks, spotlights, 80,000 fawning disciples, a stage set to the theme of a Greek temple and a colossal ego to boot. Am I the only one who is getting a bit tired of the spectacle that is the Obama campaign? In terms of the issues, where's the never before seen "change" with the nomination of the street organizer turned senator named Barack Obama? He represents nothing but a young face for the worn-out, tried-and-failed policies of an undiluted liberalism that can be traced right back to the Progressive Era and FDR. He is simply a representation of the '92 Bill Clinton, minus the gubernatorial experience and renown prurient excesses. Certainly both share an insatiable ego, which explains why they can't stand each other personally, despite the pathetic convention charade to demonstrate their "unity." Mark my words: No one wants Obama to lose this election more than B & H Clinton. 2012 is right around the corner.

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