Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Babies and Puppies

Here's an excerpt from an AP story reporting on the ubiquitous pet massacres going down in sunny Puerto Rico.


TRUJILLO ALTO, Puerto Rico - Back roads, gorges and garbage dumps on this tropical island are littered with the decaying carcasses of dogs and cats. An Associated Press investigation reveals why: possibly thousands of unwanted animals have been tossed off bridges, buried alive and otherwise inhumanely disposed of by taxpayer-financed animal control programs.


Now, I think it's pretty reprehensible to jilt little Fido, tossing him from a car, over the bridge and into the most convenient river. But the glaring omission and silence on the part of the mainstream media regarding the treatment of unborn children, themselves often tossed into garbage cans after having been torn apart in the womb, is worthy of note. As much as I'd like to, it's hard for me to file a formal complaint over mistreated animals so long as a nation sanctions the butchering of defenseless children. In a society that deifies the absolutized notion of "choice" it's strange that the macabre act of the pet owners isn't being defended as their "right to choose."


  1. puppies are cute

  2. I heard that the worst of the animal ditching has been going on in San German.

  3. San German is a puppy loving city!

  4. Yeah, this is nasty, why can't they just shoot them or put them to sleep?
